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Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Best Mother of the Bride Wedding Dress

The Best Mother of the Bride Wedding Dress

For any mother of the bride, weddings will always be soulful, sentimental and meaningful occasions. Giving away a daughter's hand in marriage will always be hard, especially for someone who has cared for her child and who has always been there for her since her conception.

But weddings are inevitable. You don't want to be living under your parents' roof for eternity. When your time to start your own family has come, how do you appease your mother? How do you appease the one person in this world who has always been there for you? Is it enough to get her the best among a wide selection of mother of the bride dresses?

Dress Her Up

Perhaps not. But getting the best among the mother of the bride dresses can do half the job, actually. Yes, by ensuring that your mom looks her best on the most important day of your life, you are telling her that you also want her to remember your wedding day as hers. After all, she has been in such a momentous occasion, only this time, she's in one of those mother of the bride dresses.

Making your mom look and feel great during your big day is also a way of thanking her for taking care of you all these years. Had it not been for her, you may not even be in your wedding day today. Therefore, it's but proper that she dons on the most fabulous of those mother of the bride dresses so she could also take the limelight -- just enough though for her not to steal your thunder away.

Get into the Drama

If your mom cries during your wedding day, don't panic. It is normal. Let her have it. It only means that she cares for you enough that it's hard for her not to call you her baby anymore. You should be alarmed if during your wedding day, your mother does not display any kind of emotion.

Since some crying time is expected, make sure that you, and your mom, wear waterproof make-up. Otherwise, people would think that they are in the wrong party. You'd look like a lost Halloween character. And since you've chosen a one-of-a-kind gown, from among a myriad of mother of the bride dresses, make sure that a hanky would come in handy. There's nothing worse than a smudged mother of the bride gown!

1 comment:

  1. Nice collection of pictures, bridal dress is a dress that every girl wants to have perfect. Thanks for sharing it.
